I am an artist and an author. My life has been centred round drawing and writing, since being a child. It is who I am.
In my art, I work with charcoal pencil, oils, inks, water colour and pastels.
I have written seven books.
Two pictures books (3-5 years)
‘The Violet Jelly Trilogy’ (7-10 years)
Two novels …
Snowflake Symphony
Impression of a Dilemma
My web site is so that you can share in what I enjoy creating.
With any enquiries about drawings, paintings and individual commissions (including charcoal pencil portraits)
Contact me at annsharples64@gmail.com
Membership Link for ‘Opening Your Creative Mind’
For a commission, I take the idea or vision from the mind of another to transform it into a work of art. This is both a delight and a challenge.
It involves discussion, via text or voice, to decide what exactly will be created. Your voice becoming visual.
Sometimes, a special occasion or memory is the focus, possibly as a gift for a loved one. Or, something abstract on a theme in your mind.
This collection features textures and shapes on bark and roots of trees discovered in Oliva, Gandia and Sevilla.
Using different mediums, canvases, paper, I express what I feel when I come across the etching of nature on its own fabrics. Constantly, I am amazed by the unique stories in colour, texture, shape created by nature.
Trees are natural custodians of our eco system, providing shelter and habitat for many creatures and communicate, through their roots, with their own.
Bay Tree Bark One
28.5 cm x20cm
Bay Tree Bark Two
28.5cm x 20cm
Bark Experiment
28.5 cm x 20 cm
Plane Tree Bark One
28.5 cm x 20 cm
Plane Tree Bark Two
24.5 cm x 18 cm
Plane Tree Bark Three
32 cm x 20 cm
30 cm x 20 cm
Sevilla Bark
47cm x 31.5 cm
Sevilla Roots
Mixed pencil
25 cm x 21 cm
Living Tree
Charcoal pencil
100 cm x 70 cm
A Touch of Flowers
42 x 30 cms
Watching the possibilities of flowers emerge as I work ‘wet on wet’ … and capture a delicate moment brought about by chance and the mind’s eye.
Burnt Log
Pastels on Canson Mi-Teintes
32 x 24 cms
Realising the roughness and texture of a burnt log on Longniddry beach. The log creates its own sculpture.
Photograph – Catriona Macmillan
The Midas Touch
Watercolour on canvas
18 x 25 cms
Pine trunk, turned to gold by a ray of light from the rising sun. A dramatic moment.
Pastels on Canson Mi-Teintes
32 x 24 cms
Choosing pastels to convey the delicacy of poppies gently swayed by the breeze.
Pastels on Canson Mi-Teintes
32 x 24 cms
The poinsetta reaches to the sky in glorious colour. Its essence is portrayed in the vibrancy of pastel
Pastels on Mi-Teintes Touch
32 x 20 cms
Margueritas emerge from the depth of foliage to catch the shafts of light.
28.5 x 20 cms
The joy of creating a scene below the sea, using wet on wet watercolour on watercolour paper.
Portraying the ocean and the medusas in rhythm and harmony.
Ship Rust
Pastels on Canson Mi Teintes Touch
32 x 24 cms
Capturing the effect of rust on the stern of a ship in Castletownbere harbour, Cork, Ireland.
The layers of paint merging with rust provided inspiration for an abstract scenario.
Deep Deep
A watercolour and paper collage.
28.5 x 20 cms
I love to enter the depths of the sea in my imagination and to create, the images in my art.
I can follow the ‘medusa’ on its journey through the strange seascape.
Rays and Rythims
Charcoal pencil on paper.
25 x 20 cms
Always moving, always changing.
Rays of light, rays of hope, rhythms of life and sound pulse through my mind to pursue this split planes creation.
You With Youe All Seeing Eyes
Charcoal pencil on paper.
20.5 x 17.5 cms
A split planes piece creating an image from my grandson’s words to me, when he was very young. Realising the shapes and textures in my mind.
Moments Murmur
Charcoal pencil on paper.
25 x 20 cms
Moments in the mind’s eye and the gentle murmur of them passing. I allow my imagination to wander and create using the images which appear.
A Single Marguerita
Pastel drawing on black pastel matte.
32 x 24 cms
Margueritas are a part of my garden. Returning each year, they fill the rocky crevices with radiance.
I love working the pastel into the background and drawing out the light to lie on the surface. Adding details provides the contrast for the composition to spring to life.
Bee On Flower
Chalk pastel on black pastel matte.
32 x 24 cms
I experienced the joy of creating the essence of flowers using pastel layers … and realising the soft quality of the bee alighting.
Pastel on black pastel matte.
32 x 24 cm
I used chalk pastels to create this Iris, one of many that appear in our garden every year, in its captivating splendour.
Desert Dream
Watercolour Collage. A walk into watercolour combined with texture.
28.5 x 20 cms
Exciting to create, with the texture leading me on, inspiring bold colour against a misty backdrop.
Below The Sea
Watercolour collage on gessoed board.
40 x 40 cms
I imagined, as a child brought up in a coastal town, living under the sea, freely moving in the water with the tidal drift carrying me.
In this painting, I am transported, in the almost transparent form of a ‘medusa’, to that peaceful environment below the sea.
Rabbit And Moon
Watercolour collage on watercolour paper.
28.5cm x 20 cms
Created for my sister, who loves rabbits. I told her rabbit stories at night, when she was very young, as she fell asleep.
Charcoal pencil on paper.
25 x 20 cm
Signifying time in motion, time paused, spaces in time waiting to be filled.
Motion depicted as moving within time, in rhythms which change pace and direction. Sometimes temporarily suspended, but following its infinite path, eventually.
Charcoal pencil, ingres paper.
70 x 50 cm.
An adventure into the textures and depths at the top of a palm.
Using contrasts to illuminate the sunlight on the palm branches.
Capturing, with charcoal pencil, ingres paper.
70 x 50 cm.
The intimacy of raindrops lying on a tangle of grasses, near Alcoy, Spain, and portraying the contrasts provided by the harsh light of the day.
Ink on paper.
29 x 20cm
Mind and eye absorbing, on different planes and levels, what is seen and creating a unique whole.
Every mind has vision.
Linear Melody
Charcoal pencil and Ink on paper.
25 x 20 cm.
The structure creating the melody, some of which permeates the atmosphere and some of which remains enclosed.
Ink on paper.
29 x 20 cm
The melding of all things, natural and manmade, which create our shifting, changing environment.
Imagined Sculpture
Tempera on paper.
44.5 x 31 cm.
An older abstract, transferring a sculpture from my mind to an imagined gallery.
I enjoyed creating in paint, with the feel of each brushstroke, what I could not sculpt in stone.
Essence of Florida
Oil on Canvas.
30 x 30 cm.
Stark contrasts, bold colour, combining to become the essence of a Florida still life.
Moon and Sea
Oil on Canvas.
59 x 50 cm
Both mermaid and moon maiden, the creature flows with the rhythm of the sea, drawn by the moon.
floating blossoms ONE
Watercolour. 28.5 x 20 cm
Experimenting with a different medium, feeling the blossoms float on the wet paper and drawing them together with the ink silhouette of a tree.
owl light
Watercolour. 28.5 x 20 cm
The soft background lends itself to a winter’s night and the bare tree weaves its branches across the scene, while the moon watches an owl alight.
SOLD (Limited Prints Available)
Watercolour. 28.5 x 20 cm
Using pastel colours on wet paper, watching the blossoms emerge to float and grounding them softly with a suggestion of trees and moonlight.
Oil on oil paper.
49 x 33 cm
Playing in Waves was my delight as a child … delight reflected in this painting … the combined flow of movement of the girl, the ball, the sea becoming one in the memory.
Charcoal pencil on A2 Ingres paper.
70 x 50 cm
The eye absorbs, reflects and emits a tear of hope containing the beauty and joy of an hibiscus flower.
(To be framed)
Oil on oil paper.
45.5 x 33 cm
An older painting in which the girls are almost a still life, poised for a fleeting moment on the sand. Gaugin’s colours influenced me in this work. A student gymnast, Tessa, posed for the girl sitting.
Illustrated books which are fun to read. The Violet Jelly Trilogy is a series of cyberspace adventures for children aged 8-10
Illustrated in colouring pencil.
A book for children aged 2-5 about a giant on a hill whose sneezing disrupts the sleep of the townspeople, below.
A combination of photographs and drawings create the illustrations.
A story for ages 2-5, which begins when a grandmother, Ana, loses her hair and her grandson thinks that she is a pirate. He puts on a pirate scarf and they set off, in their minds, on the sofa, which takes them out to sea.
A novel which leads to a perfect moment for the Snowflake Symphony to begin. Using the concept of a mind split, each part on a separate journey, in reality and fantasy, until the Symphony is created.
A novel concerning three characters, for whom circumstances become a dilemma because of the way in which each one reacts to a death at a hotel.
Polivavent, Oliva, Valencia, Spain
International Art Exhibition
3 – 5 November 2023
‘Exposición Colectiva in Oliva, Valencia; Spain.
‘Exposición Colectiva in Oliva, Valencia; Spain.
This is the link to my Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ann-Sharples/e/B00IZGQTEM/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
All artwork and images on this site are the exclusive property of Ann Sharples and are protected under the Spanish and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or manipulated without the written permission of Ann Sharples. All rights reserved.